Professional Reader

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Author Interview: Therese Loreskär

Today on my blog I have an interview with Bombshell Books new signing Therese Loreskar, Bombshell Books was founded in August 2016 and specialises in Women's Fiction. And is an imprint of leading crime fiction publisher, Bloodhound Books and was born from a love of great fiction - Bombshell publish the books they love, producing remarkable fiction for our readers and building long-term careers for our authors.

Therese Loreskär

Therese Loreskar started her career in 2010 as a Swedish author. She self-published her first novel which quickly became a critically acclaimed best-seller.
In 2014 she signed up to a publishing house. Her novel called “The Queen of Blogging” was released and the feedback was overwhelming! People referred to the book as a modern “Bridget Jones” and couldn’t get enough of the main character, Kajsa. The next book “The Queen of Blogging 2” was released shortly after to all the reader’s delight.
Therese has since then published 4 bestselling children’s books as well. She often does tours at different schools and talks about her books. The children love her visits and Therese always enjoys talking to her little readers.
The Queen of Blogging 1 & 2” have also been recorded and launched as audiobooks in addition to paper backs in Sweden. Therese has contracts with 4 different publishing houses as well as a Book and Film Agency. Her biggest dream is to have “The Queen of Blogging series” made into films, and she secretly keeps a list in an old drawer of presumptive actors that would do the characters in her books justice.
Her never-ending energy for writing and entertaining people with her characters is her biggest trait.
Therese lives in the countryside along the west coast of Sweden. She has a rather big and busy household, with (one) husband, two children, one deaf cat, five hamsters and a grandmother.
When she’s not busy making up stories and writing silly things, she enjoys the nature, people, history, redecorating the house without asking anyone for permission, and all other kinds of creativity.

Welcome Therese,
To warm us up I've some quick fire questions for you. What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say the following...

Milk… Cats

Cats…           My 18 years old cat Esmeralda

Yellow…       Egg yolks

Favourite film…  Any Owen Wilson comedy

Moist…          Single-glassed windows

Sci-fi…           Star Wars

Thank you for that, now onto the real questions, what encouraged you to be an author in the first place?
My dad became seriously ill and told me to follow my dream to become an author. He always told me to follow my passion. Both my parents have encouraged me incredibly much to live this crazy life as a fulltime author.

And how did you feel when you first realised your books were being bought by people other than friends and family?
I’m not sure I still 100% understand this J It’s an unreal feeling. Strange, but pleasant though.

Who is your favourite author?
Sophie Kinsella, Marian Keyes and Lisa Jewell. I recently had the wonderful opportunity to meet Lisa, who’s so sweet and down to earth.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?
Most of it just suddenly appears in the document on my computer. I always ask myself “Where did that come from?” It does help that I more than often seem to end up in awkward situations in my own life.

What is your favourite film?
A movie where I get to laugh out loud.

You've created a few characters in your time as an author, if you could sit down with just one for a glass of wine (or a coffee )who would it be and why?
That’s easy; I would love to talk more to Kajsa Blomblad. I would love to get to know her more and listen to all the stories of her life. I mean, the stories I haven’t already written about that is. It would be strange but fun to finally get to see what she looks like as well.

Who (fiction or non fiction) would you invite to your ideal dinner party?
1.      Bridget Jones
2.      Rebecca Bloomwood  
3.      Kajsa Blomblad, my main character in “The Queen of Blogging”
4.      Her Royal highness, Queen Elizabeth.
5.      Claire and Phil Dunphy from the series Modern family.
6.      Mr.Schuester from the series Glee.
7.     Sue Perkins
8.      Mel Giedroyc
9.     Greg Poehler
If you weren't a writer what would you do?
I would work as a teacher again. I love kids. That’s the only thing I miss about working fulltime as an author - working with kids.

And can you tell us anything about your next novel?
My main character Kajsa moves to London with her kids. Starting a “new” life in the UK. Well, that is partly based on my own move from Sweden to Cambridge. But other than that it’s all fiction. On the plane over to England, Kajsa met this super famous musical artist and that is the start of a never-ending series of awkward events in her life…

Do you have any advice for budding authors that may be reading?
As I see it you only need two things to be an author:
1.    Fantasy.
2.    Self-Confidence
I still struggle with number two. But that’s super important. You need to believe that you are good enough. You can always learn more about grammar and tricks here and there. But you need some sort of foundation to stand strong on. Believe in your own writing.

And finally, Therese what is the one thing you would want a new reader to your books to know.
I wrote this novel purely to entertain people. If my readers as much as given a hint of a smile whilst reading it, I’ve succeeded. “Let me entertain you” as Robbie Williams sang.

Thank you Therese, and good luck with the rest of your tour.
Thank you :)

Sunday 16 October 2016

Apologies to you all and exciting news

This is just a quick post, firstly sorry it's been a quiet month. I was married 3 weeks ago and life has been hectic haha!
But, to make up for it this week I have another star author interview to post as part of a fab blogger tour. Plus, my review of Candles and Roses is coming.
Stay tuned