Professional Reader

Tuesday 28 March 2017

New Me

Just a short one today, the infamous Mummy Reader is moving homes. From now on you can find all my book related posts here:

Other than books there are many things in my life that I'd like to talk about, not just the pit falls of being a mum, so don't delete this page from your favorites just yet, and I'll see you soon.


Monday 20 March 2017

Is Anyone Out There?

So it occurs to me that I've not posted in a while.
For this I apologise. Don't fear, I've still been reading, and reviewing. So keep up to date with my current reads on Goodreads

This week I have an exciting author interview for you coming on Friday, so I hope you'll enjoy that. I will be welcoming J T Lawrence as she re-launches "Why You Were Taken: A Futuristic Thriller (When Tomorrow Calls Book 1)" before the launch of Book 2 in the series in May. Have a look at her amazon page here: I'm looking forward to reading this one so look out for my review soon.

For more information on JT you can visit her website here:
What else do I have to tell you...
I've embarked on a reading challenge for 2017. I'm hoping to find the time to read and review 17 books this year. Some will be new releases, some will be popular books and some will be classics. 
So far this year I've read:
  • Oath of Fealty (Paladin's Legacy, #1) by Elizabeth Moon
    • Fantastic. 
      I read the Deeds of Paksenarrion when I was a teenager and I've often returned to it when I've felt a need to 'go back home' as it were. They make me feel warm and fuzzy and I love them like a comfort blanket. The two prequel books I didn't enjoy as much so I'd put off reading The Paladin's Legacy for fear I wouldn't get on with it as well. How wrong was I? I enjoyed re meeting long lost friends and catching up with them and how their lives have changed, as well as making new friends along the way. I just wish there was more opportunity to catch up with Paks. Saying that, if you are new to these books I think there is enough back story for you to also enjoy meeting this band of heroes. This book very much feels like the beginning of a series. Everyone is moved into place and set in their own journey and I'm looking forward to finding out how those journeys progress
  • The Bucket List to Mend a Broken Heart by Anna Bell
    • A lovely, funny, heart warming story of self doubt and self belief. Chinese take away features heavily in the break up of Abi and Joseph. Fresh air and adrenaline features heavily in Abi's determination to get Joseph back, little is she expecting what happens next. An enjoyable, easy read.
  • Kings of the North (Paladin's Legacy, #2) by Elizabeth Moon
    • A great continuation to the Paladin's Legacy, although more of the Paladin would be good. It was enjoyable seeing how much loved characters continued on their journey's and how they all copped with their new roles in the kingdoms. I wouldn't recommend this one if you haven't read the first Paladin's Legacy book, but I would recommend it to all that love Pak's world.
      Can't wait to read book three.
  • 600 Hours of Edward by Craig Lancaster
    • I lovely book that I took great pleasure in reading. The repetition was comforting to me as a reader an I thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to reading more about Edward.
I'm currently reading: 
Until next time, happy reading