Professional Reader

Monday 8 January 2024

Sleep like death - sampler Kalynn bayron


Well it's been a while, but thought I'd post a new review. I've not done one of these for a while but this for is a book sample I recieved. Enjoy 

Sleep like death - sampler
Kalynn bayron

This is the first time I've read Kalynn Bayron and being only a short sample it is difficult to give a review. However, after only 3 chapters I found myself wanting to read more, wanting to learn more about the world and the characters I'd already met.
The main character, Eve, seems young and impulse, and is even called arrogant, yes she also seems kind, and caring, and full of love for her family, friends and those she is to protect. She's not afraid to put herself in danger for those she loves but I fear this will lead to trouble that could be avoided.
I look forward to reading more about Eve and her adventures with the Knight soon. 

Tuesday 28 March 2017

New Me

Just a short one today, the infamous Mummy Reader is moving homes. From now on you can find all my book related posts here:

Other than books there are many things in my life that I'd like to talk about, not just the pit falls of being a mum, so don't delete this page from your favorites just yet, and I'll see you soon.


Monday 20 March 2017

Is Anyone Out There?

So it occurs to me that I've not posted in a while.
For this I apologise. Don't fear, I've still been reading, and reviewing. So keep up to date with my current reads on Goodreads

This week I have an exciting author interview for you coming on Friday, so I hope you'll enjoy that. I will be welcoming J T Lawrence as she re-launches "Why You Were Taken: A Futuristic Thriller (When Tomorrow Calls Book 1)" before the launch of Book 2 in the series in May. Have a look at her amazon page here: I'm looking forward to reading this one so look out for my review soon.

For more information on JT you can visit her website here:
What else do I have to tell you...
I've embarked on a reading challenge for 2017. I'm hoping to find the time to read and review 17 books this year. Some will be new releases, some will be popular books and some will be classics. 
So far this year I've read:
  • Oath of Fealty (Paladin's Legacy, #1) by Elizabeth Moon
    • Fantastic. 
      I read the Deeds of Paksenarrion when I was a teenager and I've often returned to it when I've felt a need to 'go back home' as it were. They make me feel warm and fuzzy and I love them like a comfort blanket. The two prequel books I didn't enjoy as much so I'd put off reading The Paladin's Legacy for fear I wouldn't get on with it as well. How wrong was I? I enjoyed re meeting long lost friends and catching up with them and how their lives have changed, as well as making new friends along the way. I just wish there was more opportunity to catch up with Paks. Saying that, if you are new to these books I think there is enough back story for you to also enjoy meeting this band of heroes. This book very much feels like the beginning of a series. Everyone is moved into place and set in their own journey and I'm looking forward to finding out how those journeys progress
  • The Bucket List to Mend a Broken Heart by Anna Bell
    • A lovely, funny, heart warming story of self doubt and self belief. Chinese take away features heavily in the break up of Abi and Joseph. Fresh air and adrenaline features heavily in Abi's determination to get Joseph back, little is she expecting what happens next. An enjoyable, easy read.
  • Kings of the North (Paladin's Legacy, #2) by Elizabeth Moon
    • A great continuation to the Paladin's Legacy, although more of the Paladin would be good. It was enjoyable seeing how much loved characters continued on their journey's and how they all copped with their new roles in the kingdoms. I wouldn't recommend this one if you haven't read the first Paladin's Legacy book, but I would recommend it to all that love Pak's world.
      Can't wait to read book three.
  • 600 Hours of Edward by Craig Lancaster
    • I lovely book that I took great pleasure in reading. The repetition was comforting to me as a reader an I thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to reading more about Edward.
I'm currently reading: 
Until next time, happy reading

Saturday 24 December 2016

Guest Post from Malcolm Hollingdrake

Please extend a warm welcome to Malcolm Hollingdrake, who has kindly agreed to share a few  words with us. Find out more about Malcolm here on Amazon 

 Malcolm Hollingdrake

            I was born in Bradford so I was no stranger to the Yorkshire Dales, a regular, weekend picnic venue. However, it wasn’t until I arrived at Ripon College of Education to spend three years of what was said to be study, did I truly appreciate the area! Harrogate was always a favourite destination. It’s a special place, in total contrast to the industrial city of Bradford I knew in the 50s.
            After writing my first, self-published novel, ‘Engulfed’, I read that Harrogate was considered to be the ‘Happiest place to live in the UK’; that got me thinking and so DCI Cyril Bennett was born. ‘Keen as Mustard’ (Now entitled, ‘Only the Dead’) was self-published as an eBook but sat almost unnoticed on Amazon’s shelves! (I think it had fallen down the back!)
            Like all things, ideas are born in the strangest of places and the inspiration for the second book in the series came with a chance conversation whilst on holiday. I discovered that running beneath Harrogate was a disused railway tunnel – that gem of knowledge was the catalyst for my next novel, again a self-published eBook, ‘Just Above Hades’ (Now entitled, ‘Hell’s Gate’). 
            As a writer I had always hoped to win a publishing contract. Rejection letters become a way of life but you persevere in the hope that someone will see the value of your work. I’ve been incredibly lucky to be offered a book deal with Bloodhound Books for the Harrogate series. 
The third novel entitled, ‘Flesh Evidence’, is due out alongside the first two before Christmas; three books in two months! Exciting! The fourth is finished apart from the editing.
The biggest thrill for me will be to see my work in book form. To hold it and flick the pages will be an emotional moment. I see writing as comparable to climbing a mountain. I’m lucky to have someone who has always believed in me and encouraged me, I have readers who have shown their support; their reviews steady the rope and take the strain to make climbing a little easier. I feel as though I have the skill to reach the summit but often, through no fault of my own, I fall. It’s about starting that climb over and over again in the hope that one day, one day, with the team’s help, I will stand on the top and be in a position to wave the Bloodhound Banner!

Friday 9 December 2016

Book Review: Death Stalks Kettle Street - John Bowen

Some accidents are no accident...

Someone is murdering Greg Unsworth's neighbours and staging the deaths to look like accidents.
Greg knows the truth, but when he's grappling with OCD and simply closing his front door and crossing the road are a battle, how is he supposed to catch a serial killer?

From the internationally bestselling author of Where the Dead Walk, Vessel and Cold Sweats & Vignettes comes a cosy murder mystery with a difference...
Meet Greg Unsworth, afflicted with OCD, who begins to realize that a series of fatal accidents on his street are in fact a series of murders. After encountering Beth Grue at the scene of one such crime, the two bond over their shared fears and suspicions, and struggles: Beth has cerebral palsy. When the police repeatedly dismiss their concerns, they take matters into their own hands and attempt to discover the killer's identity and expose him...

Image result for death stalks kettle street

First and foremost let me start by saying this was completely unputdownable! Not your traditional who-dun-it, Death Stalks Kettle Street is a character fueled murder mystery, cleverly written, shining a comedic insight into the quintessential English street.
Each little character is given just enough time to allow you to get to know them, each main character is written in a way to make you fall in love with them. The one thing I loved about this book was that each of the main characters was flawed in their own way, and this in itself makes them perfect. Each character is real. You feel like you know then, you get the opportunity to get to know them as if you were meeting them in real life, bumping into new friends for coffee or at work until they become life long friends.The author has managed to create enough atmosphere to keep you intrigued in the story, without rushing you too quickly from one plot point to another, as often happens with this type of story. It’s a story to read while eating cake and spying on your neighbours.

Friday 18 November 2016

Book review: Frailty by Betsy Reavley

Wow, what more can i say. Wow.

This was a great read. Quick, well written, gripping, and consuming. It jept me away at night, made me late for work, and had me neglecting my daughter. If you have a life be prepared to put it on hold for the duration while you read this. And read it you should.

Saying that i will out a trigger warning on this book. It had me crying, it had me fearing for my family, it was emotional and it's a book that will stick with me for a while. I finished this book a few days ago and I've not been able to get it out of my mind. I've tried to read a few other books since, I can't focus on any.

Go forth, click here an read:

Thursday 10 November 2016


Exclusive Giveaway

I'm please to be able to announce that I'm in the fortunate position to be able to run a fantastic competition. The prize of three brilliant books by Rob Sinclair! Rob is the author of the critically acclaimed and bestselling Enemy series of espionage thrillers featuring embattled agent Carl Logan.

His explosive debut, Dance with the Enemy, was published in 2014 and introduced the world to the enigmatic Carl Logan. The second novel in the series, Rise of the Enemy, was released in April 2015 with the third, Hunt for the Enemy, released in February 2016. You can be in the running to win all three of these books. And what's more, Rise of the Enemy is a Hardback edition. All three are ready to be posted right now. Keep reading to find out how to enter this fabulous competition
But why this brilliant giveaway? Rob is currently in the middle of a blog tour to celebrate the release of his new novel Dark Fragments. Currently 99p on Amazon here  Dark Fragments is a pulsating psychological thriller, described as 'clever' and 'chilling' and an 'expertly crafted' story, it's one not to be missed.

Now back to the competition, to be in with a chance of winning all you have to do is answer this question: Who is your favourite Superhero? 
Once you have your answer email me at 

Good luck everyone, you have until 20th November to get your answers in.