Professional Reader

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Book review: The Longest Holiday - Paige Toon

This is a brilliant chick lit. I'd only read one Paige Toon before this and it stuck with me so I've been on the look out for another and I was delighted to come across this one. I was even more delighted when half way through I realised I recognised one of the characters as a secondary character from the previous story I read. I've since discovered that this is something the author does regularly, and I'll definitely be searching out more.
But back to this book, when I started reading I struggled to find time to read more than a few pages at a time, due to a toddler that wasn't sleeping/time/tiredness and so I struggled to get into it, and get behind any of the characters. That all changed when I hit about 40% in. And I'm glad that it did. Once I was able to read more than a few words before falling asleep with my kindle on my face I found myself unable to put it down. I loved this book. I wanted the characters to succeed. I wanted Laura to get her happy ended.
I found myself torn while reading as well, the 'baddie' who I wanted to hate, wasn't really a baddie, and I couldn't really hate him. He was just a guy. And because of this I was kept guessing until the last fee pages. Either ending would have been believable, but one more more satisfying than the other.
This is a book that I'm going to keep, and one of the few that I want to read again, after reading more Paige Toon's first of course.

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