Professional Reader

Friday 21 August 2015

Book Review: Settling, Rachel Michael Arends

"What if the real you was the one person your husband couldn't ever meet?"

This was a book I was lucky enough to read before it was released. It tells the story of one woman, Jane, and the past she hasn't told her husband. She does everything she can to keep her past behind her and move on with her life, but somethings are too big to run away from.

I really enjoyed this book. It was engaging and exciting. It kept me coming back for more, so much so that I often stayed up past my bedtime to read it haha
An easy read that doesn't ask too much from the reader, but one that is fast paced with characters that you feel like to get to know. The main character is someone who you can relate to. She throws herself into her work, to hide from the emotions and connections of the past. In many aspects she is a scared little girl, who never got over the death of her father, but it's only by finally being open can she begin to live her life, with family and friends around her.
I'd recommend this book and will be looking for more of the authors work.

p.s. much thanks to Netgalley for this copy

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