Professional Reader

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Parent Post: A Full Nights Sleep

So L slept last night. This was a welcome relief as we've had a few nights recently where she has come into our bed and even though I can sleep with her there it's not a restful sleep. As I'm sure all parents can testify,  you do everything you can to make sure your little one sleeps, even if it's at the detriment to your own sleep.

What's your night time routine with a 19month old? We've always had the same one since birth and for the most part it's worked well, now however we are beginning to wonder if it's a time for change. After dinner we have a bath. this is a necessity as L usually ends up covered in food. next we have some play time, this is then followed by teeth brushing. climbing into mummy and daddy's bed, having milk, and going to sleep. It used to be that she'd fall asleep on the boob. Now however once she has finished her milk she seems to think it's play time again. Last night it took about an hour for her to fall asleep. This is when we move her into her cot in her room. That's worked great, but now I'd like to encourage her to fall asleep in her room. Any tips? We are taking a week off work soon so fingers crossed we can use that time for a new routine. wish us luck haha I'll let you know how we get on.

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