Professional Reader

Friday 1 April 2016

Book review: The Ice Twins - SPOILER ALERT

The Ice Twins

So I finished this last night, this was my book groups book of the month for March so I finished it just in time.

I enjoyed this one, but unfortunately not as much as I'd hoped. I'd heard a lot of hype about it so was looking forward to reading it. For the most part I did find it difficult to put down and it almost turned it's own pages. The tension was built well all the way through and the weather played a very real part in this. Unfortunately I felt that a few of the "twists" were thrown in because the writer wasn't quite sure how to finish it. SPOILER ALERT: the main character, Sarah, is reveled to suffer from mental illness, however this isn't something that is brought to life through out the book, only in the end when the story needs a "reason". I felt like the author was stuck towards the end so decided to "make her crazy" to explain away everything that had been happening. This I'm not sure was the best way to go, and doesn't do much to portray mental illness. The ending I also felt was a bit of a let down. The Sarah tries to cross the mud flats int he storm you know that something is going to happen, and so her death isn't unexpected. This I also felt was a way for the author to end that story. It felt like it was a quick fix. Ultimately the story has a happy ending with the real twin overcoming everything she has been through and living happily with her father, but as an alcoholic who lied to his daughter and had violent thoughts, how happy could they be long term? What he told his impressionable daughter was so wrong on so many levels. All the events of the story wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for what Angus did. And he was responsible for what happened to his wife.

I'm going to recommend this book, however you might want to stop reading when you get to the last chapter, Six Months Later.

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