Professional Reader

Tuesday 29 March 2016

The EU

So the British public are being asked to vote on our membership in the EU. I will be voting to stay, and here are just a few of the thoughts currently running through my head in this issue:

1) No one is as stupid as the Great British Public, if you want proof look at who had been voted into Government in the first place. We need the rest of the EU because without them who knows what will happen!

2) To make an informed decision each person will need to spend a vast amount of time studying all policies/documents in great detail. Each person won't do this. See point 1.

3) Most of the newspapers made up their mind about this a long time ago and have already been pushing their own agendas. Most of the newspapers in this country are owned by millionaires who are more concerned with their own affairs than what is best for the people. They will bend the truth and tell lies to persuade people to vote for the outcome they want. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! 

4) The public seems to have forgotten that they voted in MEP's. These are members of the European parliament. These people are meant to work in Europe for us, helping to decide laws/policies. If you don't like the outcome, vote someone else in. Unfortunately, in this country many people forget about these elections. If we leave we will have no MEP's working in the EU and so, no say.

5) Cameron (however much I don't like him) has been working in Europe to negotiate a new deal. This means if we stay in we won't be staying in on the terms that we already know, things will change. I haven't heard one mention of these new policies. People are going to vote to leave based on the old terms without contemplating the new terms. And this is the biggest problem I see.

6) If we leave, what people are forgetting is the EU are our closest neighbours. We do most of our trade with them. If we want to continue that trade we will have abide by the EU rules. But with no MEP's we will have no say in what those rules are. 

I haven't read one positive outcome that could come from leaving the EU. However if you have any please let me know.

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