Professional Reader

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Gushing Mummy Post and The Walking Dead Season Final

My lo is 2 and we've recently moved her into a big girl bed. In fact all we did was take the sides off her cot but she loves it. She loves feeling like she's now a big girl. Bed times have become a bit of a nightmare in that she is SO excited to be in her own bed. for the last week it's taken about an hour and a half each night. Some nights I've even fallen asleep in her bed before she has. not very comfortable when my back is bent into an impossible position and my knees are around my ears. Well last night was The Walking Dead final and we really wanted to watch it so imagine my thrill when she went to sleep in under an hour. And even better, she slept ALL threw the night! So not only did we get to watch it, but we got a good nights sleep as well.

Now before I move onto talking about TWD, let me just offer a little advice to all parents struggling with sleep. Hang in there. Don't worry, don't stress, they will get there in their own time. Babies and children are still so small that it will take time for them to get into the right routine. Many things can disrupt their sleep from teething to weeing to bad dreams. The same things that would disrupt our sleep. Just relax, go with it and before you know it everyhting will right itself. I know that tonight she might not sleep as well as she has done but that's okay too.

Now on to TWD! WOW I'm not going to give any spoilers, as not everyone may have seen it but it was worth waiting for. Negan promises to be the best bad guy TWD has had, and that cliff hanger... Roll on October is all I'm going to say!

If anyone is reading, let me know what you think.

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