Professional Reader

Monday 11 April 2016

A Sleepy Bride To Be

Have you ever heard a parent say they were more rested when their little one would wake up in the night? Well I can confirm that it's true. Since my last post there has only been one night that she's woken up but I feel tireder now than I did in the middle of the worst wake ups. i'm sat here at my desk and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. Not productive to a full days work. I know that I'm get used to sleeping again, and I'm sure that this phase of sleeping will come to an end, and we'll go back to hourly wake ups (due to teething/illness) but it would be nice to reach a happy medium some point soon please. but in all of this, I still think that the best thing to to is to just go with it, so that's what I'm going to do. Doesn't stop me moaning though!

In other news, we have found a photographer that we like for the wedding. Someone friendly, relaxed and someone who can take a really good photo without charging a fortune. One happy (but tired) bride coming up.

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