Professional Reader

Monday 11 April 2016

Strange Days in High Wycombe: Oli Jacobs - Book Review

Guy just woke up to a world of questions. 
First of all, he has the mother of all hangovers, the kind that breaks a man for at least a day or two. Second, he has no idea who the blonde in bed with him is, and why they are both naked. Third, he doesn't know who the hairy beast in the living room is, or exactly where he is. 
Welcome to Wycombe. 
Over the course of one weekend, Guy must find out the answers to all these questions, and more. Along with the hairy beast - who turns out to be his "guide" Kriste - they will travel from grassy knolls, to flash shopping centres, all in search of answers. 
Who is the blonde named Hartley? And why is she so important to Guy? 
Why is he in Wycombe? And why can't he leave? 
And where, oh where, is the next pint coming from? 
Like the literary equivalent of a particularly enjoyable drinking binge, Strange Days in High Wycombe is another comic adventure from the mind that bought you Kirk Sandblaster & Bad Sandwich. Dive in, have a read, and pour yourself one of the finest ales known to man while you're at it.

My Thoughts:
A tantalising and intriguing journey by one man who searches to find his missing memories, and the secrets they hide.

The author has a unique style that takes a little getting used to but once you do you are exposed to an exciting view of the town of High Wycombe. A supporting cast of characters reminds the reader of those people from our past that we no longer know, and makes us uncomfortable because we feel glad about this.

With post modern tendencies this is a story that will stay with you long after you've put it down.

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