Professional Reader

Friday 15 April 2016

The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett - Book Review

When it's time to put my toddler to bed we read to her, we usually read a novel and read until she falls asleep. Sometimes this can take 10 minutes, sometimes it can take much longer than this. We have recently just finished reading The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett.

This is a book I've tried to read a few times as I know how popular Terry Pratchett is, and I've always struggled to get through it. I usually like books that make sense, this is a book that doesn't make sense. For starters the world is a disk, that is balanced on the back of elephants, that stand on the back of a turtle! I'm like WTF!! (excuse my language).

Once you ignore this it becomes a fantasy adventure story following a failed wizard and the worlds first tourist. I'm not going to jump on the Diskworld fan base and declare it a masterpiece, as I've read books I've enjoyed far more. Now I've finally managed to finish it I'll probably give it a 3 out of 5. I have heard previously that it's not the best Diskworld novel so I'm now moving onto book two, and already I'm feeling happier about it. I'm now a little more familiar with the world, and a little more comfortable with it. Hopefully it'll be a book I'll enjoy a little more.

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