Professional Reader

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Wedding prep

So, at the moment I'm currently getting ready to get married! Exciting I know. And on Saturday I have two of my bridesmaids coming over to help me begin to prepare the decorations. This is where we'll begin to get an idea of what the big day will look like and I can't wait!
So number one craft project:
Baukje's Cards and Crafts: Book Folding:

I found this on pinterest but check out this blog here:

I have no idea how to do this so it's going to take lots of experiments, wish us luck.

Craft project two:
Wine btl, comic book, mod podge; wedding reception center piece:

This should be a little easier as it's just mod podge and a comic book. 

I'll let you know how we get on next week.

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