Professional Reader

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Book Review: Where The Dead Walk - John Bowen

The Amazon Best Seller. #1 Suspense/Occult, #1 Supsense/Ghosts, #2 Suspense/Paranormal, #25 Suspense as a whole.  For some, ghosts are no more than the wounds loved ones leave in their wake, haunting the living only with their absence. Others take a more literal view... Kate Bennett, presenter of paranormal investigation cable TV show, 'Where the Dead Walk', isn't sure what she believes, other than she seems cursed to lose all those closest to her. After investigating a neglected cliff-top house, empty for a decade because its 'haunted', Kate is left convinced a spirit within holds the answers to a childhood she can't remember and an unimaginable crime. What she can't know is that the house's owner, Sebastian Dahl, is searching for something too, and he intends to get it, whatever the cost.

My thoughts:
I really enjoyed this book, in fact, I'm going to go so far as to say that it is one of my favorite books from an indi author. It's well written, a quick read. It isn't the sort of thing I would normally read as ghost stories don't usually get my interest but this one was chosen by my book group and I'm glad that it was. 
The main character was well written and someone you felt like you really got to know. I felt like I could identify with her in our mutual skepticism of ghosts and the occult and this in turn made me really like her. 
This is a story full of twists and turns that you don't expect (or at least i didn't) and one that will turn it's own pages the closer you get to the end.
Easily a 5 star book.

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