Professional Reader

Friday 6 May 2016

It's been a busy week

Yep you read that right, it's been a busy but let me stress, a good week this week. I've seen my readership grow, I've confirmed bookings for my wedding, I've been invited to another wedding, I've been offered a copy of a book by an author that's not even written yet and I'm working on becoming an agent! 

You'll remember that a few days ago I got around to posting some book reviews. My review of John Bowen's Where the Dead Walk, was then linked to by John himself. This then resulted in my blog receiving more clicks than it ever has before. (Thank you John if you are reading this). 

Other book news, my good friend Oli Jacobs (see my review of Strange Days in High Wycombe) is to be featured on the Baatty About Books blog (visit it here: appearing along side the likes of Peter James. Well done Oli!

Baatty has also had her best week to date in having a quote from one of her reviews featuring on an international marketing campaign! Well done hun, proud of you. xx

There is more book news I have to tell you  but I'm going to keep you waiting for that one as it's not happened yet, watch this space!

Away from the book scene, I've confirmed the photographer for my wedding! This is big news! And on top of that, my best friend has confirmed her wedding date for this December this year! So I'm sure you will hear more about that in the coming months. 

I know I promised that I'd tell you about the wedding craft projects I've also been working on, well this picture caused quite a stir in my Book Club:

It's not finished yet and i'm planning on cutting up book pages to add to it, but let me know what you think, is destroying a book a crime or is rescuing a book from a charity shop and up-cycling it an act of love?

It's all go at the mo!


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