Professional Reader

Monday 23 May 2016

Book review: Underneath by Oli Jacobs


Terry King is a man damaged by his personal demons. With an ex-wife and son who don't want to see him and a career lost to drink, he's at rock bottom when an offer to be security at Station 17 arises. 

Based near the recently discovered Shackleton Trench, Terry arrives to find things are not what they seem, the rig being a front for a vast underwater research facility led by Walker. However down beneath the depths, Terry soon finds his demons becoming real as the Station's discovery infects the crew and Terry finds he has to fight not only his issues, but the creatures from the depths, to survive.

My thoughts -

This is a story that had me eager to pick up my kindle each night. It's a story filled with horror at almost every turn, so I'd recommend you don't do what I did and read it in bed. Underneath - try Nightmare!  More than once I woke up after imagining what I was reading. The writer manages to awaken your own imagination with this story. It's vivid description common my to life in the confines of your kindle. Is not a long book and is written well, allowing you to read it quickly, however it stays with you long after you've put it down.

But what really happened down there? I have my own theory and wonder, how much was real and how much did Station 17 drive Terry to the brink...

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