Professional Reader

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Book Review: While My Eyes Were Closed - Linda Green

While My Eyes Were Closed

Book Description:

One, two, three . . . Lisa Dale shuts her eyes and counts to one hundred during a game of hide-and-seek. When she opens them, her four-year-old daughter Ella is gone. Disappeared without a trace. The police, the media and Lisa's family all think they know who snatched Ella. But what if the person who took her isn't a stranger? What if they are convinced they are doing the right thing? And what if Lisa's little girl is in danger of disappearing forever?

My Thoughts:

In a nutshell I loved this book! It's quick, fast pasted, and well written. I read this while on holiday with my family, and found myself reading at 3 o'clock in the morning as my kindle wouldn't leave my hands. It's a harrowing tail of a mothers struggle when her child goes missing that made me hug my little girl that little bit tighter. I have also made the decision that I will never allow my child to play hide and seek in a public place! I shed tears while reading, and stopped breathing a couple of times. 
The closer I got to the end the less I wanted to read for 2 reasons. 1, I didn't want it to finish, and 2, I didn't want to know what happened at the end.

I'm going to include the amazon page below because I think all should read it as soon as possible.

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