Professional Reader

Monday 25 July 2016

Oli Jacobs Interview

Today I'm going to do something a little different, I hope you like it as i'm planning more of these.
Author Oli Jacobs has kindly agreed to answer some burning questions for us, so pour yourself a cuppa, sit back, and enjoy.

I first met Oli years ago at university, and we've kept in tough, mainly via social media, as the years have gone bye. I've read a few of Oli's books, and you'll find my reviews of them dotted through my blog, go and search them out.

So Oli, I know that you have a warped mind so I'm wondering, to warm us up, what words come to mind when I say the following...

Hello! Greetings! Guten Morgen! Y’alright? Oh dear God, the pressure... [EDIT] Feel the pressure Oli, it’s building, failure to preform is not an option…

The one true addiction. There isn’t a moment in life when a Simpsons quote isn’t able to be used. Although now I try and think of one, all I can think of is Homer twiddling his thumbs going doo-doodoodoodoo...

Good singer, if you like that sort of thing.

(Insert expletive here). Or if it’s one of those cryptic ones… (insert worse expletive here)
Yes. Just yes. Beautiful animals, but don’t get more than 2. Or 3. Maybe get a pack of them, to seek out your enemies. [EDIT] Not recommend at home ;)

Now that’s out of the way and we are thoroughly warmed up, we know you have a creative mind, other than writing how else do you express yourself? Is there anything else out there that you’d like to bring our attention to?
I used to make films, but that’s more of an old shame these days. I tend to keep with the writing as it allows me to keep within my own creative world and not deal (mostly) with other people. I also dabbled in a bit of music making and such, as well as acting, but again those sort of things fell by the wayside as I became older. The only project I have that is kinda non-writing at the moment is Pubanory ( which sees me introduce people reading my stories. Which is nice. [EDIT] If you want to see Oli’s you tube channel let me know, I’m sure I have a link somewhere.

Tell me about your latest book, and why I should read it, without spoilers?
My latest is called Wrapped Up In Nothing and is the first in the Mr Blank series (available on Amazon here: It is a noir mystery that sees Mr Blank wake up in the desert, with no idea of who he is, and his body mutilated beyond recognition. Obviously, this won’t do, so he heads off to a nearby desert town to get some answers. You should read it as it is my latest book (so automatically one of my best, writing wise) and is full of humour, violence, and all-round fun!
I met you at university, all those years ago, how has your life changed since then? 
I got fatter, then I got thinner, then I kinda just maintained into a hairy mess [EDIT]hairy apart from that one time you shaved it off for charity. Aside from that, I’ve worked in the creative arts a lot since leaving University, which has helped with the creativity, and mainly just done the job of growing up without even realising it. Oh, and I like drinking gin. Give me a decent G&T and I’ll be your friend for at least an hour or two. [EDIT]Who are you kidding, give you anything to drink and you’ve a friend for life ;-)
What was the last book that you read?
 Last book I FINISHED was No Rest For The Wicked by Dane Cobain ( who is also a local author from the wilds of Buckinghamshire. It’s quite good; a nice little horror dealing with angels of a nasty persuasion and looking at themes of sin and faith. Aside from that, I’m currently reading What If?( which is by the creator of webcomic xkcd, and full of interesting scientific questions such as what would happen if the global population jumped at the same time.

Stay tuned for part two coming soon...

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