Professional Reader

Friday 29 July 2016

Oli Jacobs interview pt 2

Welcome to part two of my interview with OliJ, I hope you like it.

I know that you’ve writing a few saga’s in your time, which character do you enjoy writing the most?
The cliche answer is to say Mr Blank, because he is my current character I am writing. However, Kirk Sandblaster ( is always good for a laugh, and has been easier to write the more the series has progressed. I’d like to write more - and have, in fact, got 3 more books completed - but it depends on whether the audience is there. Although the fact I have a 24-book arc planned...

What (PG) word always makes you laugh?
Cummerbund. I had to get one for my University leavers ball and couldn’t stop laughing. In fact, I’m laughing now. Make it stop.

Do you see yourself in any of your characters? And are any characters based on real people?
One thing all writers will admit, at least in my opinion, is that every character they write is based on someone they know. Whether it be a friend, celebrity, or just someone they saw on the street once, every character is based in reality. Of course, as the creator of these characters, a lot of the main folk have aspects of my personality. Naturally, this means that super-violent Mr Blank, alcoholic braggart Guy (from Strange Days in High Wycombe: sexist business Kent Hawks (from Stains: all contain parts of me. I never said they were the best parts, or the parts that still exist, but they are various Id’s that float around... 

What’s your favourite food?
Curry. Always curry. Although lately I’ve become more fussy as to the quality of curry that I eat. Restaurant curry is good, but home-made curry is becoming a thing of beauty. Finding the right balance of spice & flavour is a wonderful feeling. I’m even tempted to write a cookbook one day: Oli Jacobs’ Meals to Make you Sweat.

What is your personal pet peeve?
Time-keeping, both mine and other peoples. I blame my Mother for the fact I will get IMMENSELY stressed if someone doesn’t appear at a pre-arranged time, even if they’re a minute late.

When people write reviews of your work do you always read them? Including the negative ones? Are there any lines that have stood out that you remember?
I do now. When I was a younger, more inexperienced writer, I received a bad review that I reacted badly to, and since have decided to take all reviews in their stride. After all, the good ones are good, but the bad ones are the ones you learn from. While it isn’t a line from a particular review verbatim, one of the things that has been said about my books which makes me feel quite happy is that people have recognised that I have my own unique voice when it comes to telling a story. Be it the comedic adventures of Kirk Sandblaster, or the dark tales of Station 17 (, folk have noted how I have a specific way of writing that makes my stories unique. That’s a skill that I hold in very high regard.

Do you have a lucky number?
It used to be 7, but now I’m too paranoid that 7 is the wrong number to have a lucky number. Why, do you know which one it is? Is it 42? Or 23? What about 764? Oh God, so many numbers...

And Finally, if you could only give on piece of advice to the readers, what would it be?

Enjoy what you enjoy. There is no wrong book to love, no right fad to “fit in” with. If you like Pokemon, go enjoy Pokemon. If you want to write a love story, write YOUR love story. Just because most people don’t like it, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t. Love what you love, and you’ll never feel bad (not a guarantee).

Thank you for reading to the end, I hope you enjoyed yourself. And if you'd like to pick up a copy of Oli's new book, check out amazon. 

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