Professional Reader

Monday 29 August 2016

Book review: The Exorcism of Little Billy Wagner by Francis J Flynn

The Exorcism of Little Billy Wagner by Francis J Flynn is an odd book. I picked it up thinking it was going to be a horror type, as is so often with books/films of similar titles. That's not what this is though. The best way to describe this is as a documentary to the way the Catholic Church deals with Exorcism. I learnt a lot about the hierarchy of the church and the way it's run.

This is a book told from the point of view of the clergy, and how they would treat and react if a parishioner went to them with concerns of demonic possession. It came across as a very believeable account, although I'm not familiar enough with the subject matter to fully know what would happen.

Overall however, I struggeled with this one. I found that the author gave me too much information in one go and it would have helped if the chapters would have been shorter. I found that I wanted to skip bits, to get to the main event quicker, especially as by 60% in they were still trying to decide if he really was possessed or not.

I'm not sure I'd read this again, but I'm glad I picked it up.

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