Professional Reader

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Book Review: See How They Run - Tom Bale

My Thoughts:
I’ve been putting off writing this review for a few days now. This was for a few reasons. 1, the book was so fast paced that by the end I needed time to get my breath back. 2, it was so emotionally charged that I was left speechless. Now I’ve had a few days to reflect on it I’m still left with a feeling of wow! Every full star review that this book has received is deserved. From the moment that you open the first page you will be hooked. My fiancĂ© read this after me and read it within 24 hours and I’m so glad he did. Almost every chapter he read was met with loud exclamations of OMG or WOW or questioning “did that really happen?” “yes darling, it did!”

One of the best things about this book is that I pictured myself in the main roll. This was a blessing and a curse as it’s not a situation I EVER want to be in. Thank you Tom Bale for scaring the bejesus out of me.

My advice is go to amazon, don't read anything else (even thebook description will tell you a lot about this book that you don't want to know in advance) and buy it.

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