Professional Reader

Thursday 4 August 2016

Interview: Baatty About Books - pt2

Part 2 of my interview with Helen from Baatty About Books

Can you tell me about the current book you are reading? 
Sadly not too much as it is an ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of Never Alone by Elizabeth Haynes but I have just finished The Devil’s Work by Mark Edwards which is due for release shortly and it is set in a publishing house office and revolves around office life but certainly not everyday office occurrences – well worth a read for pysc thriller fans (full review on my blog plug plug) [EDIT:]

What’s your one pet peeve? 
Spoilers !!! Hate them with a vengeance – why people feel the need to share when there is a twist in a book, or the ending, or even worse when a central character dies!! really really does annoy me beyond belief..Had to censor comments then!!

Who would be on your dream dinner party guest list and what would you cook? (Knowing that Helen isn’t a keen chief I’m going to insist that everything is cooked by hand by her ;) ) 
How many am I allowed? Ermm I will go with Sean Bean (he could have featured in another answer but was way more suitable here), Cynthia Payne, Posh and Becks (maybe just Becks), Will Smith, Jackie Collins and lastly Ian Fleming if I was forced to cook then we would start with halloumi kehabs, followed by onion in the hole (toad in the hole minus the sausage) and pudding would be Eton Mess.

I know how busy you are with your blog these days, do you have anything exciting coming up? 
Always busy with the blog these days and yes I have a couple more blog tours coming up and also Simon Kernick will be guest posting hopefully in September so that is also a huge big deal for me as he another long standing favourite of mine.

Do you have a lucky number? 
13 or 666

What’s your current hair colour? 
Pink with purple streaks (it really is)

What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you as a blogger?
So far nothing and hope it stays that way tbh x

And finally, if you were able to interview one author from history who would it be and how would the interview go?
I would like to ask Jane Austen if Colin Firth lived up to her expectations as Mr Darcy, would imagine the interview would be quite dull by my standards but as we very clearly 2 different people and not quite sure how she would take to my continued use of lol.

Really enjoyed the questions Louise thanks for asking me x

Thanks Helen, it's been a pleasure.

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