Professional Reader

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Interview: Baatty About Books

I hope you don't mind but I wanted to do another interview and Helen Claire from Baatty About Books kindly agreed to be the subject. I really enjoyed talking to her, as I always do. I hope you enjoy reading as much. Don't forget to check out her own blog at

Helen has been a book worm for years and after her recent promotion to the Admin Team on TBC I thought it was about time someone turned the table and asked her the questions. She's interviewed many authors on her own blog, so, lets see how she got on answering some...

Hi Helen,
As a successful blogger I know you are more used to asking questions instead of answering them but I thought it might be fun for people to learn a little more about you. 
Hi Louise, can I just say am delighted that you consider me to be a successful blogger, right to the questions.

To warm us up what is the first thing you think of when I say these words:

Hello, can I help (best work voice)

Fly traps

Now that would be telling...


Roasted with garlic and aubergines yum

Madness inducing hounds who bark constantly but I love them dearly – honest.

Now that’s out of the way and we are thoroughly warmed up, can you tell me a little about how long you have been blogging, and how you got into it? 
I have not been blogging that long hence why I so pleased to be classed as successful (still got a way to go) but its nearly a year now and the blog grew from my love of reading and being invited to join TBC on Facebook by a long standing friend of mine who is also a book geek and the obsession has just grown and grown from there. It is a great community and I am thrilled to be part of it as have made many new friends.

Any advice for new bloggers? 
Yeah, go for it. And remember it’s your blog and you are writing about what is important to you - so its your chance to voice your thoughts and views, but be prepared that you may get some comments or remarks in return that you don’t always agree with so always best it moderate any comments before they appear on your blog.

What (PG) word always makes you laugh? 
Rollocks. The other choice sounded rude even though its not..

What has been your most memorable thing about blogging? 
Interviewing and  meeting my ATF author Peter James (20 million copies sold) will always be a highlight of my life, being part of the advance reading group for The Devils Work was pretty awesome, oh and seeing my name inside a book cover so many things have happened is hard to choose most memorable. 

Stay tuned for part 2 coming soon...

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