Professional Reader

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Wedding prep

So, at the moment I'm currently getting ready to get married! Exciting I know. And on Saturday I have two of my bridesmaids coming over to help me begin to prepare the decorations. This is where we'll begin to get an idea of what the big day will look like and I can't wait!
So number one craft project:
Baukje's Cards and Crafts: Book Folding:

I found this on pinterest but check out this blog here:

I have no idea how to do this so it's going to take lots of experiments, wish us luck.

Craft project two:
Wine btl, comic book, mod podge; wedding reception center piece:

This should be a little easier as it's just mod podge and a comic book. 

I'll let you know how we get on next week.

Friday 15 April 2016

The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett - Book Review

When it's time to put my toddler to bed we read to her, we usually read a novel and read until she falls asleep. Sometimes this can take 10 minutes, sometimes it can take much longer than this. We have recently just finished reading The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett.

This is a book I've tried to read a few times as I know how popular Terry Pratchett is, and I've always struggled to get through it. I usually like books that make sense, this is a book that doesn't make sense. For starters the world is a disk, that is balanced on the back of elephants, that stand on the back of a turtle! I'm like WTF!! (excuse my language).

Once you ignore this it becomes a fantasy adventure story following a failed wizard and the worlds first tourist. I'm not going to jump on the Diskworld fan base and declare it a masterpiece, as I've read books I've enjoyed far more. Now I've finally managed to finish it I'll probably give it a 3 out of 5. I have heard previously that it's not the best Diskworld novel so I'm now moving onto book two, and already I'm feeling happier about it. I'm now a little more familiar with the world, and a little more comfortable with it. Hopefully it'll be a book I'll enjoy a little more.

Monday 11 April 2016

Strange Days in High Wycombe: Oli Jacobs - Book Review

Guy just woke up to a world of questions. 
First of all, he has the mother of all hangovers, the kind that breaks a man for at least a day or two. Second, he has no idea who the blonde in bed with him is, and why they are both naked. Third, he doesn't know who the hairy beast in the living room is, or exactly where he is. 
Welcome to Wycombe. 
Over the course of one weekend, Guy must find out the answers to all these questions, and more. Along with the hairy beast - who turns out to be his "guide" Kriste - they will travel from grassy knolls, to flash shopping centres, all in search of answers. 
Who is the blonde named Hartley? And why is she so important to Guy? 
Why is he in Wycombe? And why can't he leave? 
And where, oh where, is the next pint coming from? 
Like the literary equivalent of a particularly enjoyable drinking binge, Strange Days in High Wycombe is another comic adventure from the mind that bought you Kirk Sandblaster & Bad Sandwich. Dive in, have a read, and pour yourself one of the finest ales known to man while you're at it.

My Thoughts:
A tantalising and intriguing journey by one man who searches to find his missing memories, and the secrets they hide.

The author has a unique style that takes a little getting used to but once you do you are exposed to an exciting view of the town of High Wycombe. A supporting cast of characters reminds the reader of those people from our past that we no longer know, and makes us uncomfortable because we feel glad about this.

With post modern tendencies this is a story that will stay with you long after you've put it down.

A Sleepy Bride To Be

Have you ever heard a parent say they were more rested when their little one would wake up in the night? Well I can confirm that it's true. Since my last post there has only been one night that she's woken up but I feel tireder now than I did in the middle of the worst wake ups. i'm sat here at my desk and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. Not productive to a full days work. I know that I'm get used to sleeping again, and I'm sure that this phase of sleeping will come to an end, and we'll go back to hourly wake ups (due to teething/illness) but it would be nice to reach a happy medium some point soon please. but in all of this, I still think that the best thing to to is to just go with it, so that's what I'm going to do. Doesn't stop me moaning though!

In other news, we have found a photographer that we like for the wedding. Someone friendly, relaxed and someone who can take a really good photo without charging a fortune. One happy (but tired) bride coming up.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Gushing Mummy Post and The Walking Dead Season Final

My lo is 2 and we've recently moved her into a big girl bed. In fact all we did was take the sides off her cot but she loves it. She loves feeling like she's now a big girl. Bed times have become a bit of a nightmare in that she is SO excited to be in her own bed. for the last week it's taken about an hour and a half each night. Some nights I've even fallen asleep in her bed before she has. not very comfortable when my back is bent into an impossible position and my knees are around my ears. Well last night was The Walking Dead final and we really wanted to watch it so imagine my thrill when she went to sleep in under an hour. And even better, she slept ALL threw the night! So not only did we get to watch it, but we got a good nights sleep as well.

Now before I move onto talking about TWD, let me just offer a little advice to all parents struggling with sleep. Hang in there. Don't worry, don't stress, they will get there in their own time. Babies and children are still so small that it will take time for them to get into the right routine. Many things can disrupt their sleep from teething to weeing to bad dreams. The same things that would disrupt our sleep. Just relax, go with it and before you know it everyhting will right itself. I know that tonight she might not sleep as well as she has done but that's okay too.

Now on to TWD! WOW I'm not going to give any spoilers, as not everyone may have seen it but it was worth waiting for. Negan promises to be the best bad guy TWD has had, and that cliff hanger... Roll on October is all I'm going to say!

If anyone is reading, let me know what you think.

Sunday 3 April 2016

A Yummy Foody Post

A few weeks ago I decided that I finally needed to loose weight. I was wearing size 14/16. Now I'm comfortably in size 14 and I've lost 10lb. I'd like to keep going and my next target is to loose a full stone so keep your fingers crossed for me.
The way I'm doing this is by following Slimming World. I'm so pleased with how it's going and I don't feel like I'm on a diet at all. I'm never hungry, so long as I choose the right food I can eat as much as I like and STILL loose weight.
Last nights dinner was vegetables with a tomato paste. We threw in some lean chicken and chilli, and had an amazing meal, even if the photo doesn't look as nice as it tasted lol

Friday 1 April 2016

Book review: The Ice Twins - SPOILER ALERT

The Ice Twins

So I finished this last night, this was my book groups book of the month for March so I finished it just in time.

I enjoyed this one, but unfortunately not as much as I'd hoped. I'd heard a lot of hype about it so was looking forward to reading it. For the most part I did find it difficult to put down and it almost turned it's own pages. The tension was built well all the way through and the weather played a very real part in this. Unfortunately I felt that a few of the "twists" were thrown in because the writer wasn't quite sure how to finish it. SPOILER ALERT: the main character, Sarah, is reveled to suffer from mental illness, however this isn't something that is brought to life through out the book, only in the end when the story needs a "reason". I felt like the author was stuck towards the end so decided to "make her crazy" to explain away everything that had been happening. This I'm not sure was the best way to go, and doesn't do much to portray mental illness. The ending I also felt was a bit of a let down. The Sarah tries to cross the mud flats int he storm you know that something is going to happen, and so her death isn't unexpected. This I also felt was a way for the author to end that story. It felt like it was a quick fix. Ultimately the story has a happy ending with the real twin overcoming everything she has been through and living happily with her father, but as an alcoholic who lied to his daughter and had violent thoughts, how happy could they be long term? What he told his impressionable daughter was so wrong on so many levels. All the events of the story wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for what Angus did. And he was responsible for what happened to his wife.

I'm going to recommend this book, however you might want to stop reading when you get to the last chapter, Six Months Later.